Inviting teammates

You can invite teammates to your account to collaborate on creating content.  

To add teammates to your Userpilot account:

  1. Log in to Userpilot.
  2. On the dashboard, click Configure, then Settings.
  3. Click Team from the top menu.   

  1. Click the Invite Teammates button. A slideout appears.
  2. Enter the team member's email address, name and then select a user role. You can even include an optional message.
  3. Click Send Invite. The team member receives a confirmation email message

To check the number of teammates you can add, check out this page to view the benefits of each plan. 

The error "user already exists" indicates that the user you're attempting to add is already associated with another account. You'll need to request them to delete their current account. Once they've done so, you should be able to send them an invitation.

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