An Onboarding Flow to Welcome New Users

Use Case

Triggering a welcome flow for new users when they first sign up to your product is a common practice. This initial flow helps set expectations and encourages users to reach the activation event, where they first experience the product's value. There are two types of welcome flows: linear and branched.

  • Linear Flow: Takes all users down the same path.
  • Branched Flow: Allows users to choose their own adventure.

Building a Linear Flow

  • Step 1: Create the Flow
  1. Navigate to the Landing Page: Go to the page where users land after signing up.
  2. Open the Userpilot Chrome Extension: Click on 'Create New Content' and select 'Create Flow'.
  3. Edit Flow Information: A pop-up will appear for you to edit the flow's details. Choose a theme for this flow and click 'Create' to start building.

Step 2: Select the First Step

  1. Choose a UI Pattern: Decide on the type of step you want to start with. There are four options:
    • Modal: Grabs the user's full attention.
    • Slideout: Slides in from the side.
    • Tooltip: Provides small, contextual tips.
    • Driven Action: Guides users through actions.

  2. Design the Step: Select a template or create one from scratch. Edit the content by clicking the pen icon. Use the Plus symbol to add blocks or features to your modal. If the modal includes a button, set its action to 'Go To Next Step' to keep the flow moving.

Step 3: Add Subsequent Steps

  1. Continue Building: Add more steps to your flow, using any combination of modals, slideouts, tooltips, or driven actions.
  2. Preview the Flow: Ensure everything looks good by previewing the flow.
  3. Publish the Flow: Once satisfied, click the 'Publish' button on the Userpilot builder. You can also schedule the flow to trigger on a specific date and time.

Step 4: Set Up Targeting

  1. Audience Settings: In the Userpilot web app, scroll to Audience Settings and select the new sign-ups segment.

  2. Frequency Settings: Set the flow to trigger only once for new users, such as those who signed up less than 50 days ago.

Creating a Branched Flow

If you want to create a branched modal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add a Button

  1. Create a Split Section: Click the '+' button and select 'Button'.
  2. Design the Buttons: Create two buttons with different actions. For easier building, deactivate the 'next button' from the settings panel so you can place the buttons side-by-side.

    For easier building, make sure you deactivate the 'next button' from the settings panel so you can add the buttons side-by-side.  

Step 2: Configure Button Actions

  1. Assign Actions: Set one button to take users to a URL or trigger another flow.

  2. Preview and Publish: Ensure everything works as expected, then publish the flow.

When you want a button in one flow to trigger another flow, you need to publish the flow and test it live. The preview mode only triggers the current flow and won't activate the second flow when the button is clicked.

Enhancing Your Welcome Flow


  • User Segmentation: Customize flows based on user profiles or behaviors.
  • Feedback Integration: Use surveys to gather user feedback and continuously improve the onboarding experience.

Advanced Features

  • Button action: Add buttons that can launch flows.
  • Time-Based Flows: Trigger flows based on user actions over time.
  • Feature Announcements: Use tooltips to highlight new features.

  • Use Case Surveys: Include a survey in the welcome modal to personalize the user journey based on their needs.

Conclusion: Crafting a Memorable Onboarding Experience

By following these steps, you can create an engaging and effective onboarding flow that makes new users feel welcomed and excited to explore your product. Keep iterating and personalizing the experience to ensure it meets the needs of all your users. With thoughtful design and continuous improvement, your onboarding flow can significantly enhance user satisfaction and product adoption.

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