Flow Forms


Forms allow you to collect all types of inputs, responses, feedback, or any other desired information from your end-users, without requiring any additional coding or engineering resources.

As opposed to Surveys, Forms can be added within flows. This means that you can add any Form type to modals, slideouts, driven actions and/or tooltips.

Common use cases

  • Collecting end-users contact details and data such as emails, phone numbers, websites URLs, etc.
  • Getting feedback and thoughts on a newly implemented design.
  • Collecting the date of establishment for your end-users companies.
  • Getting information from users who didn't complete certain Userpilot experiences.
  • Asking multiple-choice questions on whether your users like a certain feature or not.

Creating a form

To find your form options, create any UI pattern, and hover the mouse pointer on the section you want to hold a form. Click on the '+' icon and select the desired form pattern.

Important: Users must interact with the flow for form responses to be successfully saved. This interaction can be a button added to the flow, or by the users dismissing the flow with 'Skippable step'.

If the user refreshes the page or navigates away, the response won't be saved.

Form types

Userpilot provides you with four form patterns that you can use depending on your use case. 

Open Text

This type of form allows your users to submit any answer they wish.

Multiple choice

This type of form allows your users to pick one of several options. If you want users to be able to pick more than one, you only need to enable Multiple select.

Likert scale

This type allows you to add a satisfaction scale to learn more about how users feel about your product, brand, or new feature. There are different numeric ranges to choose from, as well as the type of replies.

Single input

This type of form allows you to let users enter answers with a certain type of data. This data can be:

  • General: any character can be added in the input (letters, numbers and symbols).
  • Text: any character can be added in the input except for numbers.
  • Number: only numbers can be added.
  • E-mail: users will need to type a valid email address in order to continue the flow. They will see the error 'This field requires a valid email address' if they make a mistake when filling this data.

  • Date: users can add a date directly or they can open the calendar to chose the date.

  • Phone: users will need to include their country call code as well as their phone number.

Creating custom properties

You can now create custom properties directly from all Form options with user input. To do so, click on the 'Options' settings and then check the 'Create property' checkbox.

These properties will be listed in the 'User Dashboard' under their specified property names.

This new feature will allow you to add additional custom properties without relying on your engineering team. These properties can later be used to segment and target users based on their responses.

Where can I view form responses?

You can view responses by navigating to the flow and going to the Form responses tab.

As with other Userpilot features, you can download a CSV file with the user replies. You can also click on any user to be redirected to their profile and view more information about them.

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