Triggering and Targeting Surveys

Now that you have created your survey, it's time to publish it live. Click on the Configure tab to customize where the survey displays.


Once you have finished with the targeting settings for the survey, You can now choose how you would like the survey to be triggered.

Surveys can be triggered in 3 ways, Page Specific, Event Occurrence, and Manually.

  1. Page-Specific: Trigger the survey only when a user lands on a certain page in your web app.

  1. Event Occurrence:  Trigger the survey when a user performs a certain action in your web app or when a certain Tracked event or Feature tag occurs.

Event-occurrence is only available on Growth and Enterprise plans.

  1. Only-Manually:  programmatically or from other Userpilot content

Manually triggering your survey is a great option in case you would like to trigger it only when a user clicks on it from a Checklist task, Resource Center, or from another flow without automatically triggering the survey for an eligible user. This option can also be used for testing purposes before publishing the survey to your production web app

Ways to manually start your survey:

Shareable Permalink

You can trigger a survey by appending the provided query to the end of any URL in your web app, and the survey will automatically start. This is a great option to test your survey internally and share it with your teammates. 

Trigger Programmatically

A JavaScript code is provided in case you want to programmatically start the survey from e.g. a button in your app. You can simply copy the code and share it with your dev team to include it in the code of an element in your app.


Just like any other Userpilot content, you can target specific pages and domains for the survey to be displayed on.


As for the domains, you can choose the survey to display either on all domains or on specific domains.

  1. All domains (Default): Displays the Survey on all domains in which the Userpilot script is installed.
  2. Specific domains: Displays the Survey if the domain exactly matches the input string. 
Use wildcards to match dynamic domains

In many cases, your domain might have dynamic parts that change from user to user.  A common use of a wildcard domain is with applications that use a personalized subdomain for each user or account.

You can easily use the Asterix symbol as a wildcard () to replace the part that is dynamic/changing. For example, to show the survey on '' where the part 'age' is dynamic. You can set the domain to be the following: *


As for the pages on which you want the survey to be displayed, you can have it displayed on any page on your web application, or you can specify specific pages/paths for it to display there.

  1. Any page (Default):  Displays the survey on any location a user is on.
  2. Specific path/page: Displays the survey on a particular page(s) within your application depending on the URL path.

URLs consist of the following parts:\___/ \_____/\____________/\________________/ \_________/ | | | | |Protocol Subdomain Domain Path Query

The Page settings should only include the path section of the URL.

Working with unique URLs

Some cases might involve showing surveys on pages with dynamically changing URLs. To trigger the survey on the correct page, you can use 'Matches Regex' and use the Asterix symbol as a wildcard (*) to replace the part that is dynamic/changing ( you can learn more about it here).


Based on user or company data and product usage data, you might want to target the Survey to a specific cohort of your users.

All users (Default):  Any identified user is eligible to see the Survey

Only me (useful for testing): All users who have access to your Userpilot account and have the chrome extension builder installed. 

Specific segment: Use a previously created Segment that targets a specific group of users. This can be useful when you have a saved criterion that you want to use multiple times in several content.

Users that match specific conditions: Define a subset of your users by using a set of rules to dictate which users are eligible to see the Survey.  This includes user and company data that you are passing through your snippet, auto-properties that Userpilot automatically collects, events and actions that your users achieve in your app, and many more.

The targeting work is now done. The next step is to customize the Survey Frequency and Behavior.

Frequency & Behavior Settings

Click the Configure tab to customize the settings of the survey. By scrolling down, you can find three variables that you can customize.

Setting user behavior variables:

The first variable is user behavior. You can customize the survey display based on the user’s behavior on your site. Tigger a survey display based on the number of page visits and time on the page.

e.g. if you set the first option to 30 seconds, the user will see the survey after 30 seconds of the session. If the second option was set to 2, the survey will display after the user navigates to 2 pages or more in the session.

Setting respondent interval

The second variable is the respondent interval. You customize how often (Frequency) the survey displays for users.

1. Only once: The user will see the survey only once

  1. Time-based reoccurrence: This option will display the survey again for the user after the specified time period. E.g. If the first setting is set to 2 months, the user will see the survey again after two months.

As for the expiration type, it can either be set to never, which means it will keep displaying for the user every month. Or, it can be set to "Number of dismissals" which means if the user has reached the specified number of dismissals, the survey will expire and not be displayed again.


The third and last variable is setting the sampling rate. Does every eligible user need to see the survey on a given day? You answer that question by using the slider to set the daily sampling rate. 

  • If you set sampling to 100%, every eligible user per day sees the survey.
  • If, for instance, you set the sampling rate to 20%, one-fifth of every eligible user per day sees the survey. 

The triggering work is now done!

If you need any assistance setting up your survey please reach out to

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