New Users Activation

The New Users Activation Dashboard measures activation rate, pinpoints time to value, and identifies drop-offs from sign-up to achieving the 'Value Moment'. To ensure you're getting the correct data, you'll have to choose the correct events that will reflect the Sign Up & 'Value Moment' for your users under Settings.

  • The dashboard can display data for a certain time period, as filters can be added such as user/company properties and segments
  • Refresh button to show the most recent data for the whole dashboard
  • Share option to share the dashboard via email with teammates
  • Each graph has a separate refresh button to update the data for a certain graph & a download graph option

Monthly New Sign-ups

Displays the count of new user sign-ups in the past 30 days.

Weekly New Sign-ups

Shows the trend of new user sign-ups on a weekly basis for the last 90 days.

Activation Conversion Rate

Calculates the percentage of new sign-ups who reach the defined 'Value Moment' within the last 90 days.

Activation Conversion Funnel

Visualizes the step-by-step funnel conversion from signup to the 'Value Moment' within the last 90 days, showing where drop-offs occur.

Activation Conversion Trend

Tracks the trend of the conversion rate from new signups to activation (reaching the 'Value Moment') over the last 90 days.

Time to Activation Metric

Measures the average time it takes for new signups to reach the 'Value Moment' within the last 90 days, reported in hours or days.

Time to Activation Trend

Shows the trend of the average time taken for new signups to reach the 'Value Moment' post-registration over the last 90 days, reported in hours or days.

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