Creating a Flow Across Multi-URLs


Although we recommend creating separate flows per page, there are cases where you would prefer to create one flow across multiple pages. In this case, you will need to add a page change step to your flow. 

How can I add a page change step?

After creating the first part of your flow, simply navigate to the URL that you would like the flow to continue.

Once you navigate to your desired page click on 'Add Page Change.'

Silent Vs Forced

When a page change is Silent, this means that the flow will wait for the user to navigate to the URL on their own in order to continue a flow. On the other hand, a Forced page change will forcefully navigate the user to the specified URL and continue the flow. 

What if my URL is dynamic?

If the URL is dynamic, then you can simply replace the dynamic part of the URL either with a wildcard or a user attribute that you have already passed using the Userpilot script.

Important note: You can only replace the dynamic part of the URL with an asterisk as a wildcard in Silent page changes. This does not apply to Forced page changes.

For the case of a Forced page change, you simply replace the dynamic part of the URL with a user attribute that has been previously passed to Userpilot. More about passing user properties is explained here.

Important note: The Build URL is the URL that is used to create the content on, it is not required to make any changes to this URL

Test Page Rule

The Test Page Rule option is a great way to test if your page change settings will apply the way you intend. After setting up your page change, click on the Test page rule option and add a URL path to test if it matches the specified settings. You can use this option to test multiple scenarios and is very helpful if your URL might look differently for each user.

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