Welcome to Userpilot

Our Purpose

Welcome to Userpilot! Our mission is to empower teams like yours to create products that users love. We provide tools that enable non-technical team members to design personalized experiences, removing friction and enhancing user engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

By using the Product-Led Growth Flywheel framework, we help you grow your business by investing in a user-centric product experience.

How Userpilot Works

Userpilot integrates seamlessly with your application by adding a small script. This script allows our platform to identify users, determine the appropriate content for them based on the settings you configure, and display that content within your application.

New to Userpilot?

Explore Userpilot Adoption School, register for upcoming webinars, and more! We cover account setup, experience types, flow building, creating segments for user targeting, analytics, and integrations.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to ensure you have Userpilot implemented correctly:

Create or Join an Account

If you haven't created an account yet, register here

If your team has an existing account, an admin or an account owner can invite you from the Team page. Share this URL with them.

Add the Builder Chrome Extension

Userpilot Builder

The Builder allows you to create and edit content directly on your website, no coding is required. 

Install Userpilot on Your Site

Installation Overview

Installing Userpilot enables you to display content (e.g., modals, tooltips) live to your users. It also helps send targeting information (User Properties and Events) to Userpilot so you can reach the right audience at the right time.

Design Your Themes

Themes Page

Ensure your Userpilot flows align with your application’s look and feel. Customize colors, button styles, fonts, and more. Have a dedicated designer? Invite them to your team.

Start Building

Get started with Product-Led Growth Strategies by planning and creating your first flows.

Key Features

Personalized Onboarding

Create custom onboarding content tailored to each user's journey.

In-Product Experiences

Utilize tooltips, modals, and slideouts to guide users through your product seamlessly.

Advanced Analytics

Track user behavior and optimize your content with detailed analytics.

Best Practices

- Start Simple: Begin with basic content and gradually add complexity.

- User Segmentation: Target specific user groups with personalized content.

- Feedback Loop: Continuously gather user feedback to improve your onboarding.

Tips and Tricks

- Use concise and clear language.

- Incorporate visual elements to make the experience engaging.

- Regularly update your content based on user behavior data.

Customer Success Stories

How Kommunicate.io drives product adoption without a sales team

How Touchright Software saved hours of dev time after switching from Walkme to Userpilot

How Sked Social Tripled Conversions with a Checklist

Support and Resources

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team at support@userpilot.co.

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