Introduce a New Feature or General Announcement

Use Case: Keeping Users Updated with New Features.

The Userpilot flow builder makes it easy to announce new features directly within your app, ensuring that users are always informed about the latest functionalities and any changes in the user interface.

Announcing New Features

Step 1: Navigate to the page where you want the feature announcement to appear and launch the Userpilot Chrome extension.

Step 2: Add a slideout. Slideouts are less intrusive than modals, making them perfect for feature announcements.

Step 3: Customize the slideout with a Button Action (CTA) that either starts a flow to explain the feature or redirects to a specific URL. You can also use tooltips to highlight changes in the UI, such as new buttons or tabs.

Making General Announcements

For broader announcements that need to be visible across your entire app, follow these steps:

Set the page trigger option to "Any page." This ensures your message will appear on every page where the Userpilot script is installed on your specified domains.

Why Announce New Features?

A new feature announcement is the first step in onboarding users to new functionalities. Here’s why and how to make your announcements impactful:

1. Increase Feature Discovery: Help users find and use new features quickly.

2. Attract New Users: Showcase your product’s capabilities to potential users.

3. Re-engage Churned Users: Highlight features that may bring back users who left.

Best Practices for Writing Announcements

1. Showcase Benefits: Clearly explain how the new feature helps users achieve their goals.

2. Segment Messages: Tailor content based on different user segments.

3. Add a Clear CTA: Guide users to try out the new feature or learn more.

4. Use Visuals: Incorporate images, icons, gifs, or micro-videos to make the announcement more engaging.

5. Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure your message aligns with your brand design for easy recognition.

Staging or Testing Your Announcement

Before making your announcement public, it’s crucial to stage or test it to ensure users experience it as intended:

1. Segment to Yourself: Set the content to trigger "Only Me". This allows you to see the announcement as a user would.

2. Staging Environment: If available, change the announcement status to Staged to test in a controlled environment.

Publishing Your Announcement

Once satisfied with your announcement after testing:

1. Adjust Segmentation: Navigate back to the content page and re-adjust the segment to the correct audience.

2. Publish Options:

- Publish Now: Update the guide status to Public.

- Schedule Publication: Set a specific time for the guide to go live and, if needed, when it should no longer be active.

Developing a Feature Announcement Strategy

A well-planned strategy maximizes the impact of your feature announcements.

Define Your Goal

Determine what you aim to achieve:

- Discover and Adopt Features: For existing users.

- Attract New Customers: Set some content to trigger on the public pages.

- Re-engage Churned Users: Highlight missing features that have been added.

Choose Your Target Audience

Segment your users to send the right message to the right audience without overwhelming them with irrelevant details.

Select Announcement Channels

Based on your goal, choose the appropriate channels:

- Spotlight: 

  1. Native Tooltip: Highlight a specific element or area within your app where the new feature is located. The tooltip can provide a brief description and a link to more detailed information or a tutorial.

2. Hotspot: Hotspots are powerful tools for grabbing user attention and driving engagement with new features. They are small, animated indicators placed on specific elements within your application, guiding users to discover new functionalities intuitively.

- Flow:

1. Modal: Use a full-screen or centered modal to provide detailed information about the new feature. Include images, videos, or GIFs to visually explain how to use the feature.

  1. Slideout: Use a slideout from the side of the screen to announce the feature. This is less intrusive than a modal but still captures the user's attention effectively.

Optimize Flows with A/B Testing

Test different aspects of your announcements (CTAs, placements, timings, channels) to see what drives the most engagement and feature adoption. Userpilot’s A/B testing feature can help you refine your strategy.

- Banner: Place a banner at the top or bottom of the screen to announce the new feature. Ensure it stands out by using contrasting colors and clear, concise text.

How to Use Banners for Announcements

  1. Placement: Position banners at the top or bottom of the page to ensure visibility without disrupting the user experience.
  2. Content: Keep the message concise and include a strong CTA, such as "Learn More" or "Try Now."
  3. Design: Use contrasting colors to make the banner stand out, but ensure it aligns with your brand’s visual identity.
  4. Timing: Display the banner for a specific period, or until the user interacts with it, to ensure maximum exposure.

-Resource Center News:

  • What is Resource Center News?

    Resource Center News is a dedicated section within your app's resource center where you can post updates, announcements, and news about your product. It provides a hub for users to stay informed about the latest developments, ensuring they are always up to date with the newest features and improvements.

    Why Use Resource Center News?

    • Centralized Information: All announcements are kept in one place, making it easy for users to find and refer back to previous updates.
    • Persistent Visibility: Unlike other in-app messages, news items in the resource center remain accessible, allowing users to catch up on updates at their convenience.

Key Notes and Tips

- Emphasize the Benefit: When crafting your message, always highlight how the new feature solves a problem or improves the user experience.

- Personalize Your Message: Address users by name and refer to their specific use cases or previous interactions with your app.

- Use Engaging Visuals: Visual content can capture attention quickly and make your message more memorable.

- Keep It Concise: Users appreciate brief, clear messages that get to the point without unnecessary details.

- Follow Up: After the initial announcement, consider sending follow-up messages to users who haven't engaged with the new feature.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure that your feature announcements are not only noticed but also drive user engagement and adoption.

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