Integration overview

Brief overview

Integrations are simply links between Userpilot and other products in your stack. This link allows you to convert and send Userpilot flows and their associated data to a format compatible with other products and services.

Philosophy behind integrations

Here at Userpilot, one of our beliefs revolves around building great contextual experiences on top of your product that can greatly help in addressing your customers’ needs quickly and efficiently. 

To further enhance that, Userpilot integrates with other best-in-class products in your stack that will allow you to have all the information you need on hand right when you need it.

Common use cases

  • Deeply analyze data based on your end-users data info.
  • Create and compare Analytics funnels for your end-users based on their completion of flows.
  • Make charts to monitor flow completion over time and spot various trends.
  • Target end-users based on their data status such as sending follow up emails and sending shootouts based on their NPS score.
  • Monitor how many of your trial users are becoming customers.
  • Assess how users from different sources (e.g. advertising campaigns) are engaging with your experiences.

Enable integrations

You can instantly activate and deactivate Integrations by a click of a button from the Account integrations page that is available in the Configure menu of your Userpilot's dashboard. 

Userpilot Integrations

How do the integrations work?

Once the integration has been activated, Userpilot detects the availability of the enabled integration library through the window object of your app. If available, Userpilot routes client-side events to the integration JavaScript library directly without the need for any authentication.

Integrations categories

Userpilot provides three types of integrations categories, mainly focusing on integrating with fully-featured robust product analytics platforms that gives you full control of analyzing user behavior.

 Product analytics solutions
  • Google Analytics
  • Mixpanel
  • Kissmetrics
  • Heap
  • Amplitude
Product connectors solutions
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Segment
  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
Product messaging and engagement solutions
  • Intercom

Note: It doesn't really matter what tool you're already using, most of the integrated products in the same category would usually serve the same use case, as an example, all of our integrated product analytics tools have charting and funnels.

What data do we send?

Simply, Userpilot sends events data to the aforementioned integrated tools. Events are interactions between the end-user and Userpilot content.

Userpilot sends the following events to all enabled integrations. 

  • Experience (Flow)

Userpilot Experience (started) 

Userpilot Experience (step)

Userpilot Experience (dismissed)

Userpilot Experience (completed)

Userpilot Experience (formSubmit)

  • Checklist

Userpilot Checklist (started)

Userpilot Checklist (task completed)

Userpilot Checklist (completed)

Userpilot Checklist (dismissed)

  • NPS

Userpilot NPS (score)

Userpilot NPS (feedback)

Userpilot NPS (asklater)

  • Survey

Userpilot Survey (seen)

Userpilot Survey (completed)

Userpilot Survey (dismissed)

Userpilot Survey (skipped)

  • Feature Tag

Userpilot Tag (element_click)

Userpilot Tag (hover)

Userpilot Tag (text_input)

If there are certain products you'd like us to integrate with please reach out through live chat.

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