Identify users and track events through HTTP Rest API

Besides Userpilot Javascript SDK for browsers, Userpilot supports identify users and track custom events through Rest API. Identifying users and tracking custom events can help you create powerful user segments to target and track goals as well.

These APIs can be called in any language that supports HTTP requests, you only need to specify your  API_key  and the user/event data that you want to track.

Common use cases

  • Historical user identification: customers commonly want to import historical data into Userpilot upon migration or evaluation.
  • Server-side event tracking: in certain scenarios there are places for events that are only reachable by your server i.e. email confirmations, or tracking high volume critical events as of marketing campaigns, or sensitive events like user life value which or there is a need to tie the online to the offline behavior of end users.


Userpilot API uses API tokens to authenticate requests. You can view your API key in the Environment Page.

Your API key carries many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas.

Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP custom auth token, use  -H 'Authorization: token <your API key here>'  to add your token.

Note: All API requests must be made over HTTPS.


You have to send the api version in Headers. 

-H 'X-API-Version: 2020-09-22'

HTTP Endpoints

For most users, the HTTP API endpoint url is as the examples show.

However, if you are on Enterprise or EU hosting, refer to the Environment Page in the application to retrieve your dedicated endpoint.

Identify user API

Calling identify lets you identify users and add metadata about them to track their events, you can call user identify after user's login, signup or when updating their info.

Request payload

Type Description
user_id required String ID of the user, must be unique.
metadata optional Object

Key-value pairs that describes the user.

It's useful for storing additional information about the user .


optional Object

Key-value pairs  that describes the user's company.

It's useful for storing additional information about the user's company.

Note: if company was provided you must provide id in the company object.


    "user_id": "unique_user_id",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "Username",
   	"email": "",
   	"created_at": "1519205055"
	// Additional properties 
    "company": {
       "id": "company_id", // required if company was provided
       "name": "company name",
       "created_at": "1519205055"
	// Additional properties 
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Token API_key' \
  -H 'X-API-Version: 2020-09-22' \
  -d '{"user_id": "unique_user_id", \
	"metadata": {"name": "Username", "email": "", "created_at": "1519205055"}, \
	"company": { "id": "company_id", "name": "company name","created_at": "1519205055"}}'

Important Notes

  • Metadata and Company Values: We only support primitive types as metadata key values—specifically, string, number, boolean, and null. Arrays or objects as values are not supported.
  • If user’s data has changed you can call identify API to update user's data on Userpilot. It'll check for any new changes on the data and update it. You only need to include whatever has changed (no need to include all user data in each update).


On successful identification, the API will return HTTP code 202

202 Accepted

Track events API

Calling  track  API will record events about your users with any properties to describe the event. 

Request payload

Field   Type Description
user_id required  String ID of the user that this event belongs to.
event_name   required  String The name of the event that should be tracked.
metadata   optional  Object 

Key-value pairs  that describes the tracked event.

It's useful for storing additional information about the event.


    "user_id": "unique_user_id",
    "event_name": "user_subscribed",
    "metadata": {
        "plan": "free",
   	"created_at": "1519205055"
	// Additional properties 
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Token API_key' \
  -H 'X-API-Version: 2020-09-22' \
  -d '{"user_id": "unique_user_id", \
	"event_name": "user_subscribed",
	"metadata": {"plan": "free", "created_at": "1519205055"}}'

Important Note

  • Metadata and Company Values: We only support primitive types as metadata key values—specifically, string, number, boolean, and null. Arrays or objects as values are not supported.


On successful event tracking, the API will return HTTP code 202

202 Accepted

It is recommended to limit the total number of unique event names and using metadata to provide additional context for each event. Ensure that the combined size of all of your unique event names does not exceed 512 KB.

Rate limit

Please note that these APIs are limited by 600 requests per minute, you can check the limits on response header. If you exceeded the limit we'll return   429 too many requests  error

x-ratelimit-limit: 600,
x-ratelimit-remaining: 599,
x-ratelimit-reset: 1600854660000
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