Creating and Targeting the Resource Center

This feature is only available for Growth and Enterprise plans. If you wish to know more about upgrading your plan please check our pricing page.

Create your Resource Center

To begin, navigate to the Resource Center page in your Userpilot dashboard and click "Setup".


The home tab is where the content of the widget is created as well, including a header title and description subtitle. The "Turn on Home" option allows you to toggle this tab on or off.

In the header section, you can select the header and subtitle for your resource center widget. Additionally, you can utilize personalization, enabling you to choose a property where the corresponding value will display in live mode.

The title field is required and limited to a maximum of 40 characters.

The subtitle field is optional, and its maximum character limit is 40 characters.

  1. Add Module:

Clicking the "Add Module" button will prompt a dropdown menu to appear, offering the following options:

  • Userpilot Content 
  1. Flow — Add a single flow that consists of a single or a sequence of steps
  2. Checklist — Add a Checklist pattern that consists of a set of tasks 
  3. Surveys: Add a survey to gather the users' feedback
  • Link  — Send your end-users to external URLs such as your knowledge base
  • Video  — Embed a video to provide visualized assistance
  • Custom Javascript — Add your own customized JS function that can be used to access custom content such as triggering a chat widget.

The "Targeting" section will expand to reveal page and audience settings. Any modifications made will be automatically saved and you can surely discard the last change made by pressing the "Discard Changes" under "Push Updates"

  1. Create Group:

You can group to combine different modules to be listed in one section simply by clicking on the "Create Group"

After clicking the "create group" button, a new view will appear where users can input the following:

Once you insert the title and description of the group, you will see a drop-down of all the modules that you created in the Resource Center, select one or multiple modules to include them in the same group. This is a great way to list relevant content under one title and manage content to be structured.

Clicking on the three dots provides options to edit the module settings, import audience or page settings, relocate the module to a specific group, or delete the module.


  1. Page Targeting

This section will allow you to specify where to show the Resource Center based on the URL the user is currently on.


  • Any page (Default): This will show the Resource Center on any page that has the Userpilot script installed
  • Only on Specific Paths: Here you can limit the Resource Center to be shown on specific URL path(s) within your web app. 

What if my URL contains dynamic URL paths?

In the case of dynamic URL paths, you can select the page condition "Match Regex" and replace the dynamic part of the URL with an asterisk.

You can add one or multiple conditions to a URL path. An example is if you would like the module to appear in the Resource Center if the user is on one of two specific pages. In that case, you can add a condition with each URL path specified and select the option "Any". 

  1. Audience Targeting

The audience targeting is important in deciding who should see the module in the Resource Center.


  • All Users (Default): Show the Resource Center to any user that visits the page(s) where the Resource Center is shown
  • Only Me: Show the Resource Center only to your colleagues that are in your Userpilot account and have the chrome extension Installed
  • Saved Segment: Show the Resource Center to a specific segment you've previously specified from the Users page
  • Custom Conditions: Narrow down the eligibility of your users to see the module by a single or a combination of operators; namely: User Properties, Segments, Form Responses, Gear, Location, Flow Events, NPS Events, and Tracked Events.

Important note: If a user is not eligible to see any of the modules listed in the Resource Center, then the beacon will not appear.


The Resource Center has a search function that includes searching both the Resource Center content as well as any external knowledge base. You can surely adjust the search functionality from the Search tab as mentioned on this document.

  1. You can currently only specify a domain to retrieve documents from; adding a specific page or URL is not yet supported.

  1. The search feature now supports returning results from a password-secured knowledge base

Userpilot's search functionally is available with the following search engine providers: 

  • Zendesk
  • Salesforce
  • Google 
  • HubSpot
  • Freshdesk

How it works

First, you need to enable the search functionally, choose your desired search engine, and refine the search results by choosing a domain in which to search. Once enabled, a search bar will appear in the Resource Center widget.

Not all knowledge base articles will open inline. Salesforce, HubSpot and Freshdesk articles will open inline, while Google and Zendesk  articles will open in a new tab


  • Search engines optimize the performed searches based on factors such as the users' geographical location. This might lead to different results than the ones returned to Userpilot and displayed in the Resource Center. 
  • If you're using the Google search engine, you'll have to make sure that your site is google-indexed. To check if your site has been indexed by Google, enter the URL of your domain with "site:" before it - i.e. "".

    If your web app uses Content Security Policy (CSP) that would prevent search results from being returned, you will need to whitelist the domain


The News tab will help you create and share posts with your end users, so they can stay updated on new releases and receive important information.

After adding a header for the News tab, you'll encounter a "Create Post" button. Clicking this button opens a new tab where you can compose the post and configure its audience settings.

Each post has its own audience settings, allowing you to customize triggering for specific users.

The "Live" feature at the top of the "Create Post" page enables you to either publish the article for users or keep it in draft mode.

You can create posts below with your preferred text, images, and videos. Additionally, utilize the personalization feature by incorporating desired properties into the text.

You can change the font from the "Style" tab.

If you'd like to send general feedback or suggestions for this feature, please reach out to us at

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