
The accessibility function allows you to use your keyboard to browse between each step of the flow and easily dismiss it at any point.

How does the system work with screen readers and other accessibility toolsets?

Userpilot content is built to be accessible by end-users who use screen readers and a keyboard.

  1. Experiences

(i) Modals — When a modal is displayed, it automatically takes focus and all components inside the experience will be accessible by the keyboard commands (Tab, Enter, Esc). Once a user has tabbed through all components, the focus moves back to the first clickable component on the Modal.

(ii) Slideouts — Same as Modals.

(iii) Tooltips — When a tooltip is displayed, it automatically takes focus and all components inside the experience will be accessible by the keyboard commands (Tab, Enter, Esc). Once a user has tabbed through all components, the focus is reset back to the first element on the page.

(iv) Driven actions — Same as tooltips

  1. NPS Surveys — When an NPS survey is displayed, it automatically takes focus and all components inside the experience will be accessible by the keyboard commands (Tab, Enter, Esc). Once a user has tabbed through all components, the focus is reset back to the first element on the page.
  2. Checklists — When a checklist is displayed, it will be the last item on the page that can be accessible by the end-user based on the interactivity tab path.
  3. Resource Center — When the resource center is displayed, it will be a pattern that the user can select based on the interactivity tab path.


[Esc key] Used to hide/close the UI patterns.

[Tab key] Used to navigate between the components of the UI patterns.

[Enter key] Used to select the clickable components of the UI pattern.

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