Creating Checklists
The first step of creating a checklist is to set up the 'Header' of the checklist. You can also include a 'subtitle' for more information.
Next, it's time to add tasks to your Checklist.
You can add tasks to your checklist by scrolling down to 'Task List' and clicking on 'Add Task'. Once you do that, a slideout will pop out so you can enter the details of the task.
The Task Action section, is the action that you would like to take place once a user clicks on the task:
- Do nothing: The task will automatically be marked as complete in this case, without prior action.
- Go to page: To navigate the user to a certain URL
- Trigger a flow: To trigger a flow that you have created from a checklist task
- Run script: To run a JavaScript function once the user clicks on the task
You can set an Action for the Task to follow through with, as well as advanced settings to use when needed.
Next, you could customize the Dismiss Content, by adding a 'Dismiss Text' and 'Button'.
Finally, you can customize your 'Completion' by choosing your desired Icon and Completion Title.
Click here to watch a quick demo on how to set up your checklist!