Creating and Styling the NPS Survey

Adding an NPS survey to your website is a simple three-step process.

1. Open the NPS Survey page

The first step is to open the NPS Survey page. This is where you create and customize your NPS survey.

  1. Click NPS on the dashboard. The NPS Survey page displays
  2. Click the "Create NPS" button

2. Creating the Survey

After clicking on the Create NPS button, navigate to the Style tab.

The NPS Survey page displays. Now it’s time to create & style your survey instrument. 

3. Customizing the survey

This is where you customize the NPS widget (appearance & visual style), to make it look more consistent with your branding guide.

  • General: Set the Primary & Background colors, you can also insert a Logo for your NPS to match your branding
  • Text: Change the Font Family & Text Color of your survey
  • Box & Border: Here you can control your Box Border Type to be Shadow or Solid and set its color, in addition to controlling the Width, Intensity & Corner Radius options
  • Progress Bar: Change your Progress Type to either Bar or Ball and choose the convenient color

You can also preview your NPS on Mobile view, to check how it looks on mobile devices.

The design work is now done. The next step is to add content.

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