Custom Dashboards


The Userpilot Analytics features such as Trends, Funnels, Paths, and Retention are incredibly robust and have the potential to empower users in optimizing their products and features. However, combining different types of analytical reports in one view is what unlocks the full potential of Userpilot's reporting tools.

By consolidating all relevant information in one place, dashboards ensure users have easy access to the data you value most. For those seeking more detailed insights, you can delve deeper as needed.

This feature is available for Growth and Enterprise plans only.

Create a Custom Dashboard

You have the option to either select from one of the templates we offer or you can create from scratch.

We provide 3 types of templates:

  1. Free Trial to Paid Conversion
  2. Feature Engagement
  3. Expansion Revenue and upgrades

Create from a template

  1. Click on Dashboards from the navigation bar then select "Create new"

  1. Select "Start from a template" and choose the template

  1. Select the corresponding Event to start tracking the right data.

Create from Scratch

Add existing reports, or create new reports within your custom dashboard, to zone in on the data and insights that are important to you. You can also add text blocks to provide context or create a story from your data!

  1. Choose an existing report of one of your Analytics (Trends, Funnels, Paths, Retention)

  1. Add as many Existing Reports and text Blocks, or click on one of the Analytics Reports we provide to create a new one that will be added to your Dashboard and can be found under Saved Reports.


  • Add up to 30 reports in one custom dashboard
  • Rearrange the added reports by drag & drop the related block having up to 4 in the same raw
  • Control the width/height of each block
  • Mark up to 5 reports as Favorites for easier access in the side menu

If you'd like to send general feedback or suggestions for this feature, please reach out to us at

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