Product Usage

Product Usage Dashboard tracks user and company engagement metrics, popular pages, and features. It highlights trends, user stickiness, top interactions, and browser preferences.

  • This data can be refreshed to view the latest updates and you can share it with other email addresses.
  • To target this information further, you can select a specific time period and add filters such as User Properties, Company Properties, and Segments.
  • Each section can be downloaded as a PNG.

User Activity Metrics

Measures the daily, weekly, and monthly number of individual users actively using the product.

Note: This chart won’t be affected by any change in the time period filter.

Company Activity Metrics

Measures the daily, weekly, and monthly number of companies actively using the product.

Note: This chart won’t be affected by any change in the time period filter.

Trend of Active Users

Tracks active users over time, providing a time-based view of engagement. The Line chart consists of three different line values for Daily Active Users, Weekly Active Users, and Monthly Active Users.

Trend of Active Companies

Tracks active companies over time, providing a time-based view of engagement. The Line chart consists of three different line values for Daily Active Companies, Weekly Active Companies, and Monthly Active Companies.

User Stickiness

Calculates the percentage of monthly active users who are also daily active users. It is an indicator of how "sticky" the product is, or how often users come back.

Note: This chart won’t be affected by any change in the time period filter.

Most Visited Pages

Identifies the Tagged Pages within the product that receive the most visits. This list will show the top 10 pages.

Most Popular Features & Events

Lists the Tagged Features, Tracked Events, and Custom Events within the product that are used most frequently. This list will show the top 10 features and events.

Top Engaged Users

Highlights the users who interact most with the product. This list will show the top 10 users.

The Events data for each user is based on the tracked events, custom events, feature tags, and page views that they interact with.

Top Engaged Companies

Highlights the companies who interact most with the product. This list will show the top 10 companies.

The Events data for each company is based on the tracked events, custom events, feature tags, and page views that they interact with.

Page Views Distribution

Visualizes Tagged Page views by plotting the average views per user against the total unique users who viewed each page.

Features & Events Engagement

Visualizes Feature Tags, Custom Events, and Tracked Events usage by plotting the average user interactions against the total unique users for each feature or event.

User Retention Analysis

Displays the percentage of users who have returned to the product each week. To build your own User Retention table, you can look into our documentation here.

Hourly User Activity

Shows the number of active users for each hour of the day. This data will take into account Unique page views per hour.

For example, if a user does 5 page views between 2 and 2:30 pm, it will count as 1 in the 2 PM column. But, if they do another page view at 3:30 pm, it will count again as part of 3 PM column.

Note: This chart won’t be affected by any change in the time period filter.

Average Session Duration

Reports the average amount of time users spend on the product per session.

Product Usage by Browser

Shows the distribution of product usage by browser type.

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